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Emote Lexicon
Global Emotes are emotes that every user on Twitch has access to, while Custom Emotes are specific to a given channel, unlocked by subscribing to that channel. Emotes are represented with a code (like :bleedpurple:), with custom emotes starting with a prefix for that channel (like KayPea’s :kaypGood: and :kaypRainbow:). By clicking the smiley face at the bottom of the chat box, you can look at all of the emotes available to you. You can also type in a semicolon in chat and a list of emotes will begin to autofill for you.
Here’s a handy glossary of some of our most popular emotes so you can jump into Twitch chat and join the conversation.
Emote Code | Emote | Meaning |
:Kappa: | Sarcasm or wry humor. Kappa is our signature emote. | |
:HeyGuys: | A casual greeting. Used when joining chat, or when welcoming someone to a stream. | |
:LUL: | Laughter. The emote version of Laugh Out Loud. | |
:CoolStoryBob: | Our version of “Cool story, bro.” Used sarcastically when someone is saying something unimportant or babbling. | |
:4Head: | :Laughter, but in a slightly mocking way. Often used as pity laughter when someone tells a lame/dad joke. | |
:FrankerZ: | DOG! Used where there’s discussion about a dog or when a dog is shown on stream. Generally, dog stuff. | |
:Jebaited: | For when someone is “baited or tricked”. Often used in games where the player is surprised or lured into a trap. | |
:PJSalt: | When someone gets “salty” at their game or team. Often used in esports or pro gamers’ channels. | |
:NotLikeThis: | Used to express dismay at an outcome, usually due to bad luck or a misplay. | |
:WutFace: | Used to express shock, disgust, or to note a loud, disruptive noise on stream. | |
:VoHiYo: | Used to celebrate anime, JRPGs, and everything otaku culture. Also used when something gets fixed. | |
:SeemsGood: | Casually agreeing that something is good or okay. Twitch’s own “thumbs up”. | |
:ResidentSleeper: | For when there’s a lull in action, a boring cut scene or event, or when someone literally falls asleep. | |
:bleedPurple: | We often say “BleedPurple” to represent Twitch pride, and this emote is the visual representation. | |
:TwitchUnity: | Twitch Unity is how we celebrate diversity and inclusion in our community. | |
:GivePLZ: | Used when asking for something, often a game or prize. Sometimes paired with its mirror, :TakePlz: | |
:CoolCat: | Not a whole lot to it - it’s a cat that’s cool. You can use it when you see a cat. Especially if it’s cool. | |
:CurseLit: | Our version of the popular “fire” emoji. Often used in the same way. The purple version of this emote is :TwitchLit:. |
Custom Emotes
Custom emotes are available once you become an Affiliate. As long as your emote(s) meet the size and quality requirements and abide by our Emote Guidelines , you can upload and manage them directly in your dashboard under settings . Partners can unlock more emotes as they grow; you can read how here .
You can design these emotes and other sub perks any way you’d like, but sometimes an empty canvas can be a little daunting, especially if you’re not artistically inclined. Many streamers reach out to artists to help create them out - a friend, a fellow streamer, or even one of their viewers.